In Solidarität mit Campagne BDS France
In Solidarität mit Campagne BDS France rufen wir alle solidarischen Menschen dazu auf, die BDS Kampagne in Frankreich finanziell zu unterstützen. Zahlreiche Aktivist*innen in der französischen BDS Kampagne sind zur Zeit besonders umfangreicher Repression ausgesetzt und werden mit juristischen Verfahren drangsaliert.
Es können Spenden über folgende Wege geleistet werden :
- A regular monthly donation (download form here)
- A one-time donation (Paypal, via website home page)
- A donation by bank transfer (see the bank references)
- A donation by cheque made out to CCIPPP-BDS France and sent to : CCIPPP-BDS France, 21 ter rue Voltaire, 75011 Paris.
Der Aufruf aus Frankreich:
The international BDS (Boycott-Divestment-Sanctions) campaign is a citizen, anti-racist, non-violent response to the impunity of the State of Israel. All of us can take part in it to show our opposition to Israel’s policies of colonisation, occupation and apartheid.
This campaign which is based on international law has grown considerably in France during the past few years and today we are more than ever in need of your support.
Our current priority is to defend the activists who have been unjustly brought to trial for carrying out BDS actions.
The BDS France campaign is confronted with a climate of non-stop pressure and intimidation, going as far as the prosecution of certain activists. We are facing numerous attacks launched by Israel’s representatives and supported by the French government which penalises BDS actions, following a circular, still in force today, issued by the former justice minister, Michèle Alliot Marie, in which she urged the public prosecutors to systematically pursue BDS activists.
Despite these attacks to silence us, in denial of freedom of expression, and aimed at criminalising solidarity with the Palestinian people, we remain more than ever determined to continue and intensify our struggle against Israeli apartheid.
To do so we must support our activists, notably on the judicial level, which means that we are in need of additional funds.
This call for donations will also allow us to further develop the BDS campaign, to increase its visibility by drawing up and distributing new material, and to widen public support.
For all these reasons, the BDS France campaign needs your support. Apart from annual dues received from member organisations of the campaign, the only funds we can rely upon come from sympathisers with the Palestinian cause and the call for BDS.
You can help finance the BDS France campaign in different ways, by :
- A regular monthly donation (download form here)
- A one-time donation (Paypal, via website home page)
- A donation by bank transfer (see the bank references)
- A donation by cheque made out to CCIPPP-BDS France and sent to : CCIPPP-BDS France, 21 ter rue Voltaire, 75011 Paris.
Thank you in advance !
Please share this message.
The BDS France Campaign – campagnebdsfrance[at]