Queers for Palestine soli block beim Radical Queer March Berlin 2019
Dieser Block der Queers for Palestine auf der ‚Radical Queer March Berlin 2019‚ hat Geschichte geschrieben. Trotz zahlreicher Angriffe, Anfeindungen, Ausschlüsse und Beleidigungen im Vorfeld dieser Demonstration gegen die Beteiligung von BDS-Aktivist*innen und palästinensischen Menschen konnte ein großer Block mit bezug zu BDS und Palästina umgesetzt werden. Dazu ein Gespräch mit Melanie Richter-Montpetit, einer der Organisator*innen des Queers for Palestine Block beim Radical Queer March am 27. Juli in Berlin: „Queere Befreiung ist antirassistisch und antikolonial“
Please read what happened yesterday in Berlin. It is a shame how divided the left is in our country and how ignorantly and cowardly the organizers of the ‚Radical‘ Queer March called the police on us yesterday. But LOVE conquers all and in the end we were the stronger block and we marched until the end. It was such an emotional and empowering day full of positive energy. Thank you all!
We won’t be silenced! (Alia Amacayacu)
Before i go to sleep. I only want to thank each and everyone of you. you made our day in the Queers for a Free Palestine Block today. It is a historical day for our BDS/Palestine movement in Germany. We did reclaim our Queer Palestine Space. I am so grateful and feel so empowered and embraced by all those who show up today in the Radical Queer Demo. Can you imagine? We were the majority, we were the voice of queer moral politics, we decolonize the space and reclaimed our ownership to our human rights. May we soon celebrate Queer and Palestine liberation in a Free Palestine. Sweet dreams
It is our day. (Majed Abusalama)
Today during the (allegedly) Radical Queer March Berlin 2019 [under the slogan „Let’s get critical – Pride is political! Some of us still fight for their basic rights to exist“], the White German organisers called the cops on a Palestinian & Jewish led block “Queers for Palestine”. The cops blocked us from marching, while the organisers, continued their march unconcerned with the impacts of involving the cops and blocking a predominantly PoC block full of migrants, refugees, and many with precarious legal situation in Germany. (read more) (Leil Zahra Mortada)
Our Lives, Our Streets! Palestine Solidarity in the Radical Queer March Berlin 2019.
**Official statement from the organisers of the ‘Queers for Palestine’ block**
More than 500 people showed up for the Queers for Palestine block in the Berlin Radical Queer March on Saturday, July 27, 2019. From the anti-deutsche “radical queers” who evidently called the police to block us, to the cancelation of the queer after-party at Liebig34 in protest of the queer march organizers calling in cops in riot gear – it’s been a critical day for Berlin. The time of silence on Palestine is over! The time of the White left dictating people with lived experiences of racism and colonial oppression how to be free is over!
No Pride in Apartheid!
Queer Liberation – Stop the Occupation!
No Justice, No Peace! No Racist Police!
We’re Here! We’re Queer! Palestine is in Berlin! (read more) (Melanie Rimo)
Die englische Fassung des offiziellen Statement der Organisator_Innen des „Queers for Palestine“ Blocks – „Our Lives, Our Streets! Palestine Solidarity in the Radical Queer March Berlin 2019„.
Die deutsche Fassung des offiziellen Statement der Organisator_Innen des „Queers for Palestine“ Blocks – „Unser Leben, unsere Straßen! Solidarität mit Palästina auf dem Radical Queer March Berlin 2019„.
Die spanische Fassung des offiziellen Statement der Organisator_Innen des „Queers for Palestine“ Blocks – „¡Nuestras vidas, nuestras calles! La solidaridad con Palestina en la Radical Queer March de Berlín, 2019„.
Die italienische Fassung des offiziellen Statement der Organisator_Innen des „Queers for Palestine“ Blocks – „Nostre le vite, Nostre le strade! Solidarietà con la Palestina alla Radical Queer March 2019 a Berlino„.
Die arabische Fassung des offiziellen Statement der Organisator_Innen des „Queers for Palestine“ Blocks – „حياتنا، شوارعنا! التضامن مع القضية الفلسطينية في مسيرة برلين الكويرية الراديكالية لعام 2019“.
Vielen Dank an Magda für die tollen Bilder.
Der Aufruf zum
Queers for Palestine soli block at Radical Queer March Berlin 2019

Can’t Pinkwash This! #JusticeIsIndivisble #BDSYes
We are calling on all queers* committed to anti-racism and anti-colonialism to join our Pro-BDS/Palestine soli block at the ‚Radical Queer March Berlin 2019.‘
The organisers of the ‚radical‘ march are mobilising the language of anti-racism to silence queer support of BDS and the Palestinian liberation struggle. Bring your signs, bring your friends and show up for solidarity for Palestine and against the shameful attempt at appropriating anti-racism for furthering racist and colonial politics.
Let’s reclaim feminist queer politics, gender liberation and radical sexuality from the grip of nationalisms and corporate culture. Let’s take a position against ALL forms of state violence. Stonewall was a riot.
Justice is indivisible and we are firmly committed to anti-oppression, including against all forms of racism, colonialism, ableism, whorephobia, queer- and transphobia.

Kommentar der Vorbereitungsgruppe des ‚Radical Queer March Berlin 2019‚
Die 1. Stellungnahme der Vorbereitungsgruppe des ‚Radical Queer March Berlin 2019‚ ist offensichtlich wieder gelöscht worden.
2. Stellungnahme der Vorbereitungsgruppe des ‚Radical Queer March Berlin 2019‚.
3. Stellungnahme vom 1. August 2019 der Vorbereitungsgruppe des ‚Radical Queer March Berlin 2019‚.
Soldaritätsschreiben aus Madrid:
• Solidarity statement from Orgullo Crítico – The Critical Pride of Madrid
• Comunicado en solidaridad desde el Orgullo Crítico de Madrid
Beiträge zum Queers for Palestine Block beim Radical Queer March Berlin 2019:
- 26. Juli 2019 KlasseGegenKlasse
„Queers For Palestine“ @CSD Berlin: Auf die Straße gegen Kriminalisierung und pro-zionistische Hetze! - 28. Juli 2019 KlasseGegenKlasse
Statement des „Queers for Palestine“-Blocks gegen den Polizeieinsatz auf dem „Radical Queer March“ in Berlin - 30. Juli 2019 KlasseGegenKlasse “It’s not radical to call the police!” Ein Bericht zum Radical Queer March in Berlin 2019
- 01. August 2019 The Lower Class Magazine
Spaltungen im Radical Queer March Berlin 2019 – Was bedeutet Radikalität? - 04. August 2019 de.indymedia.org
Unser Leben, unsere Straßen! Solidarität mit Palästina auf dem Radical Queer March Berlin 2019 - 5. August 2019 KlasseGegenKlasse
„Queere Befreiung ist antirassistisch und antikolonial“ - 15. August 2019 LEFT VOICE
Berlin Radical Queer March: “Queer liberation is anti-racist and anti-colonial”