BNC UpdateStop HPUN Settlement DatabaseUNO

Mehr als 100 Gewerkschaften, Bewegungen und Solidaritätsgruppen fordern die Aufnahme von HPE in die UN-Siedlungsdatenbank

HPE stellt Server für die Datenbank der israelischen Bevölkerungs- und Einwanderungsbehörde zur Verfügung, die israelische Bürger*innen miteinbezieht, die in illegalen Siedlungen im besetzten palästinensischen Gebiet leben.

Mehr als hundert Gewerkschaften, Studierendenvereinigungen, zivilgesellschaftliche Bewegungen und Solidaritätsgruppen aus der ganzen Welt haben gemeinsam ein Schreiben an das Büro der Hohen Kommissarin der Vereinten Nationen für Menschenrechte (OHCHR) Michelle Bachelet geschickt, in dem sie die Aufnahme von Hewlett Packard Enterprises (HPE) in die Datenbank der an den israelischen Siedlungsunternehmungen beteiligten Unternehmen forderten. HPE stellt der israelischen Bevölkerungs- und Einwanderungsbehörde exklusive Server für die Pflege der Datenbank zur Verfügung. Dazu gehört auch die „Yesha-Datenbank“ von israelischen Bürger*innen, die in illegalen Siedlungen im besetzten palästinensischen Gebiet leben.

Zu den Unterzeichner*innen gehören Fórsa, Irlands größte Gewerkschaft für den öffentlichen Dienst, sowie Sinn Féin und die Kommunistische Partei Irlands. Central Única dos Trabalhadores, Brasiliens nationales Gewerkschaftszentrum mit 7,5 Millionen Mitgliedern; UNISON, die größte Gewerkschaft Großbritanniens mit mehr als 1,3 Millionen Mitgliedern, und Students Federation of India, Indiens größte Studentenvereinigung mit über 4 Millionen Mitgliedern.

Nachfolgend der Brief an das OHCHR sowie die Liste der Unterzeichner*innen.

Ms Michelle Bachelet,
UN High Commissioner for Human Rights
October 30th, 2020

In February 2020, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) published its much awaited database of businesses complicit in Israel’s illegal settlement enterprise. It listed 112 companies which provide equipment and services to maintain, build and expand illegal Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT), including East Jerusalem. The database is widely appreciated as a tool for ensuring that business enterprises respect Palestinian human rights. The Human Rights Council Resolution 31/36, which established this database, also requires that it be updated annually.

We, the undersigned organizations, urge the OHCHR, therefore, to include Hewlett Packard Enterprises (HPE) in the next update of the database of businesses complicit in Israel’s illegal settlement enterprise.

HPE provides servers to the Israeli Population and Immigration Authority for the maintenance of Israel’s computerized population register, which includes the ‘Yesha database’ of Israeli citizens living in the illegal settlements in the OPT. Hence, HPE plays a substantial role in the maintenance of Israel’s settlement enterprise.

We urge the inclusion of HPE in the database for its complicity in and profiteering from Israel’s settlement enterprise, which amount to the practice of settler colonialism and apartheid.

In light of Israel’s ongoing de facto annexation and the planned de jure annexation of occupied Palestinian territory, both of which you have strongly condemned as illegal, it is more urgent than ever to ensure that corporations meet their obligation to respect human rights and do not sustain this illegal and criminal settlement regime. The Human Rights Council’s database is an effective accountability tool for this purpose, and the inclusion of HPE, and other similarly complicit corporations, is a necessary step in the right direction.

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Australian Friends of Palestine Association
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Australians For Palestine
Australia Palestine Advocacy Network
Australian Palestinian Professional Association (APPA)
Byron Friends of Palestine
Casey Friends of Palestine
Christians for Peace, Newcastle
Coalition for Justice and Peace in Palestine
Federation of Italian Migrant Workers (FILEF) Sydney
Free Palestine, Melbourne
Friends of Hebron Sydney
Friends of Palestine (Western Australia)
Palestine Israel Ecumenical Network
Sydney University Staff for BDS
Women For Palestine


Belgian Campaign for Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (BACBI)


Central Única dos Trabalhadores: National Trade Union Centre with ~7.5 million members


Academics for Palestine Concordia
Canada Palestine Association, Vancouver


Finnish-Arab Friendship Society


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All India Students‘ Association
Food Sovereignty Alliance
Indo-Palestine Solidarity Network
Janwadi Mahila Samiti (AIDWA, Delhi)
National Dalit Christian Watch
Student Christian Movement of India
Students‘ Federation of India (SFI): Largest students association with over 4 million members


Action from Ireland (Afri)
Administration Managers Branch, CWU
Belfast and District Trades Union Council
Brazilian Left Front
Castlebar & District Council of Trade Unions
Centre for Global Education
Communication Workers’ Union:
CWU Dublin No. 2 Branch
Communications Workers Union Sligo District Ireland
Cork Area Managers Branch
Dublin Mails Managers Branch, Communication Workers Union
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Galway District Branch
Limerick Branch
Mallow Postal Branch
Mullingar Managers Branch
Mullingar Postal Branch
Sligo Area Postal Managers Branch
Communist Party of Ireland
Dublin Mails Managers Branch, Communication Workers Union
Dublin Postal Clerks Branch, CWU
eir National Managers Branch
Fórsa: Ireland’s largest public service union with 80,000 members
Gaza Action Ireland
Global Solidarity Committee, Irish Congress of Trade Unions
Irish Freethinkers and Humanists
Irish National Teachers‘ Organisation
Ireland-Palestine Solidarity Campaign
Justice for Palestine, Comhlámh
Mandate Trade Union
Newry & Mourne UNISON Branch 5091
Peace and Neutrality Alliance
People Before Profit
Sinn Féin
Students for Justice in Palestine DCU
The Workers‘ Party of Ireland
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UNISON Northern Ireland


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BDS Torino
Comitato No Nato
Rete Romana di solidarietà con il Popolo Palestinese
Un Ponte Per


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Quaker Service


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The Palestine Committee of Norway


Gibanje za pravice Palestincev


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Palestine Solidarity Campaign
South African BDS Coalition

Sri Lanka

National Fisheries Solidarity


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Collectif Urgence Palestine-Vd
Gerechtigkeit und Frieden in Palästina


Article 1 Collective
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Stichting Groningen-Jabalya


BRICUP (the British Committee for the Universities of Palestine)
Centre for Global Education
Craigavon Council of Trade Unions
Jewish Network for Palestine
Omagh Trades Union Council
Palestine Solidarity Committee
Scottish Palestine Solidarity Committee
UNISON: UK’s largest union with more than 1.3 million members

United States of America

BDS and Palestine Solidarity Working Group of DSA
Friends of Sabeel North America (FOSNA)
Green Mountain Solidarity With Palestine
Jewish Voice for Peace
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